Avoid breathing in the harsh chemicals from toxic cleaning products by using an all-natural alternative. This lemon rosemary not only smells great but is far healthier and safer option for you and your family.
Using natural cleaning products reduce chances of skin conditions such as eczema and respiratory infections.

1 cup white vinegar
1 cup distilled water
Rind (skin) of 2 lemons
3 fresh rosemary sprigs
16oz spayer bottle
Glass jar
Combine the all ingredients in glass jar, shake.
Allow to infuse for about a week before using.
After about a week, use funnel to pour infusion into spray bottle.
Use to clean hard water stains and much more!
Caution: Do not use acidic cleaners on granite, as they will etch the stone and proceed cautiously on stainless steel. Some manufacturers recommend against using vinegar on their appliance surfaces.